While MATURE has always been inspired by bottom-up developments (and the concept of knowledge maturing has this an inherent assumption),…
Gabi Reinmann from University of Augsburg presented conceptual foundations for personal knowledge management based on her book “Wissenswege” (paths of/toward knowledge), which could be interesting to incorporate into the MATURE discussion on Personal Learning Environments At the end of her talk she presented results from two studies on knowledge bloggers (researchers and teachers), whose emotional/motivational aspects could be crucial for the notion of PLEs, too: experience of competence, social integration, and autonomy. Particularly the latter one could be a challenges and source of conflict for PLEs within organizations – one example in the discussion mentioned that external blogging platforms are preferred over corporate blogging platforms because of the aspect of autonomy.
In the middle of weeks of heavy travelling, I am currently at Ohrid for the PROLEARN/EATEL Summer School. Pablo and…
Tagging as a lightweight, more participatory approach to resource metadata has become a hype in a wide range of disciplines,…
The last two days I was at the Professional Training Facts 2007 to present the joint work between me and…
The Knowledge Media Research Center organized a workshop on educational portals (Workshop Bildungsportale) where I was invited as a panelist…
Right after the ECTEL conference I went to the Symposium on Competence Management (Fachtagung Kompetenzmanagement) at Potsdam on October 5…