Two Book Chapters Summarizing Context-Aware Workplace Learning Support Research

Recently, I have completed two book chapters that fairly comprehensively summarize the results of my research on how to support workplace learning with the notion of context awareness:

  • The first focuses on the ontology-based modeling and overall methodological approach. It is placed within the context of Semantic Work Environments.
    Enabling Leaning on Demand in Semantic Work Environments
    , to appear in Rech, Decker, Ras (eds.): Emerging Technologies for Semantic Work Environments: Techniques, Methods, and Applications, IGI Publishing, 2008
  • The second focuses on the architectural issues related to introducing context awareness into e-learning solutions. It describes my service-oriented approach, which is based on a ontology-centered design methodology for deriving services and ensuring their coherence.
    Impact of Context-Awareness on the Architecture of E-Learning Solutions, to appear in Pahl (ed.): Architecture Solutions for E-Learning Systems, IGI Publishing, 2007

1 thought on “Two Book Chapters Summarizing Context-Aware Workplace Learning Support Research”

  1. Aus meiner Sicht ein klares Indiz dafür, im Unternehmensumfeld “Lernen im Geschäftsprozess” stärker zu beachten. Andreas Schmidt leitet aus seinen Anfangsüberlegungen ein Modell ab, das unter anderem einen User Context Manager enthält. Insgesamt ist dieses Paper eine gute Grundlage, die Kontextabhängigkeit stärker in den Mittelpunkt zu rücken.

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