Knowledge work is one of the main drivers of productivity for the knowledge society. Knowledge work, on an abstract level, includes a wide variety of activities that are concerned with information processing, thinking, and decision-making. Activities such as structuring of information and knowledge, articulation of new thoughts, and sharing with colleagues create knowledge and value. With the increasing importance of knowledge work, we are currently realizing that (1) we insufficiently understand the anatomy of knowledge work, (2) our current management approaches cannot deal with knowledge workers adequately and (3) knowledge work badly needs technology support, but methods and tools for technology-enhanced knowledge work are only in their infancy.
In a joint effort, the projects APOSDLE, Im Wissensnetz and NEPOMUK have organized an interdisciplinary workshop on knowledge work from economical, methodological and technological perspectives. The workshop will take place at the Professional Knowledge Management conference (WM 2007) at Potsdam.